experience the web in a higher dimension.


You've probably never worked with a developer like me before. I have the patience and the tact of a direct support professional, the troubleshooting skills of a Healthcare IT analyst, the compassion of a teacher to learn and assist others, and a natural drive and curiosity about programming that informs and inspires my abilities and skills. I am self-taught, and my other work experiences out of the field make me a well-rounded team player.

Front End Development

I am proficient in the native languages used in front end development; I've been using them since 2004. More recently, I've become familiar with industry standard frameworks. In the last couple of years, I have adopted the mobile-first responsive design paradigm.

Proficient in:

Familiar with:

Back End Development

My creative personality suits me more for front-end development, but I am fully capable of doing back-end development as well. Most of my back-end development experience in with MVCs and handling requests with native PHP using MySQL or PostgreSQL. Most of my experience with Python is outside of web development. I am learning Django and Laravel with side projects I am developing.

Proficient in:

Other Development

This is where I'd like to showcase my programming skills outside of web development. I write scripts and occasionally dabble in application and game development as a hobby.

Literally everything I've developed in, ever:

Freelance Developer Info

I am currently providing freelance web development services, including both custom code and WordPress sites. In my free time, I am developing a couple web applications. I am open to employment inquiries. I can be reached at nathan@narojo.com regarding employment or freelance work.