About Me
My name is Nathan Jones. I'm a self-taught developer and musician; currently seeking a job in web development, and available now for freelance. How I got into it is a long story, but here is a quick summary blurb about it. If you're interested in my biography, it will be available soon. Additionally, an artist statement regarding my crazy website design can be found here.
The year was 2003, and I was going into to my freshman year of high school. In Ohio. I was a total video game nerd, and started making Dragon Quest inspired JRPGs with RM2K on my own and with friends. From there, I learned to do event scripting, and realized I needed to learn to code to overcome limitations. There weren't many resources on learning low-level languages then, so I learned web development as a stepping stone. And I liked it. Around that time I developed a serious interest in music, as well. I got my first guitar for Christmas that year, and it took off from there. At the end of the school year, we moved to rural South Dakota. And for the remainder of high school, I ended up working for the local newspaper where I did website maintenance and development. I also participated in school music programs and events after being encouraged to take band class. Being such an integral part of my youth, even after some time away from them, I returned to both.
Although I initially went to college to study graphic design in 2007, after two years of art school and after studying abroad in Germany, I pursued a teaching career. I did some freelance web development over breaks, but did more international travel. And when I became a teacher, I didn't have time for music, either. After some valuable time away from both, I realized how much I missed coding and music. So I got back into music in 2015, and I made a career jump to healthcare IT in 2018, where I had the opportunity to write a few scripts. Now I'm looking to do more, and wanting to specifically focus on web development.
Over the last couple of years, I've learned new programming languages and concepts, and have been studying for IT certifications. I'm currently seeking a job in front-end or full stack development. Simultaneously, I'm at a point musically where I'm ready to focus on writing my own music, after being in a few bands.